If you’re unhappy with your order for whatever reason, you have 7 days from delivery confirmation to return them for a refund. We want to make returning items a very quick process for you. There are just a few items we want you to be aware of before going through with the process of returning your item(s):
1. You must notify us of your return within 7 days of your order being delivered to you.
2. All customers are responsible for return shipping costs for all Items unless the issue is truly not your fault, then an Item will be reshipped free of charge!
3. All items, unless damaged or incorrect due to our error, will have a $5 restock fee
4.You must provide tracking information in order for us to process a refund.
5. please see our Returns Policy here(Return/refund policy).
If you have any questions, or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team! CLICK HERE to submit a ticket, we are available 24/7 to help!