Once your tracking number is updated for the first time, you should receive your order in the following timeframes based on the country you are in.All estimated/typical delivery times are derived from real world data collected from past orders. They are approximate times for reference only.
United States |
1-4 Weeks |
Australia |
1-4 Weeks |
Canada |
1-4 Weeks |
United Kingdom |
1-4 Weeks |
Worldwide |
2-8 Weeks |
Shipping times will be affected during public holidays. Heavy order quantities are expected, causing a delay in processing and shipment as we work quickly to fulfill all orders as soon as possible, and couriers limit their operations at these times. We know you want your item(s) as soon as possible and we will get them to you as fast as we can.
CLICK HERE to track your order!
If you have any questions or concerns at all please do not hesitate to give us a shout!
CLICK HERE to submit a ticket, we are available 24/7 to help! Thank you :)